One of the joys of a working artist is to enter art shows and exhibits.It's sometimes intimidating but it helps to get your work in front of your adoring fans. This week I entered 6 shows. It was awesome.
* I'm waiting to hear from the judges to see if I get accepted in two shows
* I was excited to receive and Honorable Mention award in the UVAG show held at the Covey Center for the Arts.
* It was lovely to share the walls with Utah art educators at the Utah County gallery.
* The Grand Opening of the Brown Gallery is this week and they kindly asked for some of our windows to grace their space. We were pleased to be involved.
* I will have some stars hanging in a new gallery and work space, Makers & co. They sell darling wood cutouts from their company "Wild Horse Timber".
Utah Valley Art Guild, Honorable Mention for the top window entitled Matters of the Heart.
The Utah valley Art Guild is a group of talented artists who meet monthly. They invite artists to show and explain their work and answer questions from the audience about improving our own skills and sharpening our abilities. This month I was thrilled to hear from Lynde Mott about her amazing art.
My dear friend and amazing artist, Lynde Mott.
The Art Educators of Utah displayed at the Utah County Art Gallery located in the Health and Justice building in Provo,UT. The Utah County Arts Board provide a venue for local artists to show their work and enjoy a reception in accordance with the Art Walk every first Friday evening.
The Art Educators show. This Piece is Oak Tree in The Garden.
Channeling the Universe is the title of the piece I entered in the Spring Salon at the Springville Museum of art . I am waiting for the verdict of the judges.
Channeling the Universe. I will fill you in on the details of this piece later.
Entering shows is a great way to network and rub shoulders with your favorite artists. All of the pieces are for sale so that's also a good reason to enter. Bring on the Spring openings!
I made this cute cutout at Makers&Co. They offer classes in wood cutouts and more. Soon to have a stained glass class too! Have a beautiful Spring.