Sunday, April 15, 2018

I've got your back

I am a stained glass artist and also a yoga instructor. I have found out that one compliments the other. After days of cutting, grinding , soldering and cleaning glass projects my back starts to complain. I have learned a few tricks to feel better that I would like to share with you. My training is from Bodhi Yoga in Utah which has benefited me in many ways since my classes. You are welcome to join any of the classes offered there. I teach on Friday mornings at 8:30 am. After some gentle stretching and meditative flow through yoga positions you will be ready to return to your routine. These positions are also helpful just before bedtime to relax your mind from the stress of the day.

Child's pose feels so good on your lower back

Folding forward is another good stretch. If you can't go all the way to the floor, just go to your edge. 

Hold on to your feet and rock gently back and forth. This is like a massage from the inside out.

Sorry this is fuzzy but you can still see the pose. Forward folds are a great stretch. This is good to do just before you get into bed. 

Twists feel great as you unwind your spine. 

Don't forget a full body twist 

This pose is perfect for letting go of the days stress. You can put your legs up the wall for extra support. If I wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep I relax into this pose and it really helps.

Pulling your legs close feels awesome to your lower back. You will be ready to get back to work after this mindful practice. Don't forget to give yourself some time in Savasana (relaxing with your arms to your sides and your legs outstretched). Just allow your mind to let go of daily thoughts and renew your body, mind and spirit. For more information check out 

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