Saturday, May 12, 2018

Homeward Stretch

We are on the homeward stretch to the Zion's Bank Art Show on May 18th. We have been building windows to put in the show along with our other projects. We laid them all out on the living room floor to get a feel for the layout. There are a few little additions but for the most part we are ready. We hope to see you there. It will be an awesome show with artists from all over the area on 5 floors. We love to see the artwork and meet the other artists. We invite you to attend and be sure to visit our booth and say "Hi".

Here is a photo of the invitation. 

It looks pretty good spread on the carpet .

"Mother Nature's Sun"

"Jade in the Mist"

"Home of the Bees"

"Evening Song"

"Above the Door"

'"Cherry" and "Flower" mosaics


"No Problem With Paisleys"

So you have a sneak peek at the line-up. We look forward to seeing you.

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I was thinking of the different ways we use the word "Fall"; In the military "Fall In" is to take your place in for...