It has been a wild and wonderful week of art shows. Have you heard the phrase "If you build it they will come" from the movie
Field of Dreams? I suggest in our case it could be changed to "If you build it, then show it!". If your buyers don't find their way to your studio you will need to get your art to them. Galleries and shows are ways to do just that.
The Woodbury Gallery in the University Mall in Orem is hosting a show entitled "Coalesce". We are pleased to be a part of this show with many other talented artists. We are also in a show with the Utah Valley Artist Guild at a local Country Club. We haven't gotten a photo of that one yet because they are still trying to figure out how to hang it. Stained glass is sometimes tricky to hang at shows without windows to showcase it. We are encouraging curators to consider hanging art glass on the walls such as here in the Woodbury.
At the Woodbury Gallery showing "What Goes Around Comes Around"
There was quite a crowd at the Zion's Bank show. There were 52 artists on 5 floors of the bank. Each floor had food and music along with the lovely art. It was fun to see our artist friends and make new acquaintances as we talked about our stained glass
We had a good looking presentation with windows we finished just for this show and a few oldies but goodies. We appreciate galleries and other venues for hosting these exhibits for local artists. If you missed any of these shows we would be happy to let you know when the next ones will be. You can follow us on Instagram @jeannegomm or on Facebook at Gomm Stained Glass. To receive emails about future stained glass fun and information about upcoming classes, opt in to our newsletter by going to and entering your first name and email in the dialog on the main page.
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